Focusing on Your Health
Functional Medicine Services
Have you struggled with an issue as broad as fatigue for years?
It could be any one of the following (not an exhaustive list):
Mold toxicity
hormonal imbalance such as low testosterone
burnout or high stress
adrenal fatigue
lack of sleep
poor diet
under-or over-functioning thyroid
improper exercise
There is also a possibility of having a combination of the above issues.
Do you understand now why it would be difficult for your primary care physician to fix it? These things simply can’t all be addressed and ruled in or out in the 2-10 minute visit that’s considered standard of care nowadays.
Wellness Coaching
Have you reached stagnation? Or feel like there must be more to your life? If you could get that one stumbling block out of the way, everything would fall into place? My aim is to make the vision of your future brighter by helping you bring it closer.
I will help you assess where your life is now and where you want to be. Whether that goal centers on weight loss, maintaining a healthy lifestyle (mentally, physically, or emotionally), or helping you with consistency in your business.
I have the most experience in chiropractic and helping other chiropractors achieve their goals of either higher volume, better relationships with those around them, or reaching a better work-life balance.
My vision is to help all human beings I come in contact with to leave a session with me in a better state.