
For some reason, the stories I have to share are special.

For my first blog post, I want to release my non-negotiables I created at the suggestion of Gabby Bernstein.


  1. God comes first. I come second. Nick comes third. Kids come fourth. Friends come fifth. Then everyone else.

  2. I will work in a space that promotes work-life balance --> heavy on the life.

  3. I will lead by example. I will walk the talk. I will guide each person I come in contact with to a greater Spiritual life and health. But I will release the outcome.*

  4. I will always strive to do my best and be unapologetic about it.

  5. I will strive to minimize distractions -- live in the present.

  6. I will praise God every day of my life.

  7. I will attract good for myself, those around me, and the highest good for all.

  8. I exercise healthy boundaries in all interactions.


*Release the outcome: whether someone chooses to take my advice or leave it, I will not be responsible for their choices.  I will not get upset if they do not do as I suggest. It's their life.  Not mine.


Forgiveness and Relationships